Sunday, June 19, 2011

Rocks and Solitude

Today I left my brand new hotel room and drove from Grand Junction, CO to Arches National Park.  Crossing into Utah, the state appeared uninhabited until I arrived at the park visitor center which was teaming with people.

Note the orange and green pillows (Ang and Lexie)

The rock cliffs and formations of the park emanated wisdom and strength – as if they were creatures that had fallen asleep in a different age.  I watched a small bird in a bush calling to a lover or a child; I could not tell which.  And I admired the determined wildflowers growing in the cracks of the rocks.


The tourists jostled my solitude – I couldn’t hike out to the arch I wanted to see because there weren’t any parking spaces left.  I hiked to a different vantage point and took this picture.  I feel that Arches is a place to live with for a while.  To go there and frantically snap pictures to capture it and say you were there – just doesn’t work. 


Point of information 1:  For all three of these national parks, you have to drive a good 15-30 miles in to the desired site.  So celebration upon arrival is a bit misplaced.

Point of information 2:  Utah is the first state I’ve been to in which cell phone reception has been spotty (extremely).

Point of information 3:  Internet connection is a very relative thing: it has taken over 30 minutes for three photos to be uploaded for this blog.  I am lowering my expectations as I type.  This post may be late as a result.

Point of information 4: Ohio still has the appellate of “the worst roads,” and it looks like it will win the competition by an embarrassing margin. 

After Arches, I decided to forgo Canyon Lands for another time and head on to Mesa Verde.  The drive in to the Lodge and Visitor Center was worth the entrance fee, so I am anticipating seeing the dwellings tomorrow will amaze me.

I am writing from the Mesa Verde Lodge with a view of a valley and blue evening mountains in the distance.  I had a nice conversation with 3 generations of a family from North Carolina.  I think the friendliness of the locals rubs off on us all.  There is still a slight blue glow on the horizon.

He still needs a name and a stitched smile.

This was my favorite view.

This is where I ate dinner.

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