Thursday, June 23, 2011


I arrived at my destination on Tuesday and have not posted for enjoying spending time with my friends.  They left for their India adventure early this morning and 14 hours later are still traveling.  So I am back to blogging. Before they left, Kegan and I played a mean game of air hockey.  He is a formidable opponent. He and Aidan and I played around with my calligraphy supplies.

Here are all three boys (Aidan, Riley, and Kegan) with their space creation.

After my friends left this morning, I continued to love up on their three cats.  Hobbes is the most out of joint for their leaving.  He followed me around this morning and even helped me make the bed.

Since I woke up early this morning to see my friends off, I took an afternoon nap, and Buttercup and Gus decided to join me.  I think we will get along just fine. I was looking forward to Gus begging for dinner -- I think he is feeling a bit shy.  Jenn, I waited and waited, but no leg rubbing, no persistent glances.

The house where I am staying is lovely.  I am especially enjoying the light in the homeschool room where I have my art supplies spread out on a long table.  And I am so excited about the vegetable garden in the backyard: tomatoes, cucumber, zucchini, winter squash, watermelon, herbs, and more!!!

Tonight, I cut a fist-full of lavender to bring inside.  Then I spent some time drawing listening to Mozart.  The high ceilings have such a nice effect on sound.

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