Monday, June 13, 2011

Moving Right Along

Last night, I was just too fuzzy brained to post, and the Internet at the hotel was SO slow.  Honestly, right now it is hard to remember yesterday.  

On Sunday, I continued to visit with my friends, the Underwoods.  I took care of the guy with the big hair when he was a newborn!  We had a delightful time telling stories.

This is a bike path that you can take all the way into Chicago from Wheaton and beyond.  I rode on it whenever it was warm enough in college.

I went to mass at the church I attended in college.  It has stunning wood carvings and interesting paintings throughout the building.  I was especially moved to hear a blasting Bach organ piece at the end of the service. 

The weather on Sunday surpassed my expectations:  70's with bright blue skies and a breeze.  I enjoyed driving across western Illinois and crossing the swollen Mississippi into Iowa.

The clouds entreated me to take their picture while driving (I was very careful).

These yellow flowers have been growing on the roadside for several states now.  I want to take them home with me and plant them everywhere.

I spent the night in lovely Fairfield Inn in Des Moines  (which my GPS pronounces Da Mon -- I also like  how it says Toll-ed-o).

I find myself humming the Muppet's song "Moving Right Along" and wishing I had it in my collection.  i-tunes to the rescue.

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