Monday, June 20, 2011

California and American Wildflowers

Arriving in CA took me a bit by surprise.  No signs saying 35 miles to CA. None.  And speed limit signs:  you can go 30 miles or more without seeing one.  And police:  I think of them as sharks; they like to pull out behind me for fun to watch me cringe. 

I drove from 8:45 to 4:00 and time passed with amazing alacrity.  What a change from my first day driving, when I was oh-so-tired and when I watched the miles pass, one by painful one.

Here are some shots of the hotel I am staying at tonight.  Love the color scheme.

I am only 3 hours from my destination, though today, day 14 of my trip, was the first time I hit stop-and-go traffic.  I went 3 miles in 20 minutes.  A bit hard to complain.  And I got to stop to watch a train cross the road which was reminiscent of my childhood (though there aren't cabooses to guess the color of any more).

Since I took very few pictures today . . . here is a smattering of the wildflowers I photographed along the way.

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