Saturday, September 3, 2011

San Francisco

What is the first thing you want to see in a new city?  For me it is either the zoo or the botanical gardens.  So on a lovely day in San Francisco, my college friend and I braved the traffic for the gardens.  Now, I must tell you there must be something in the air of San Fran to make the traffic acceptable, platable even -- why was I not annoyed and overwhelmed like when I was in LA?  Why is San Fran so charmed?  

This is the view upon first entering the gardens.  Locals get into the gardens for free -- everyone else has to pay.  Pretty good system.

My favorite part of the gardens was the "Fragrant Garden".  I was the only one touching all the plants and smelling my fingers.  Mugwort is disgusting.  I never knew there were so many varieties of geranium -- all so delicious.  And white lavender . . . I think you should get a plant for yourself.

These were one of my favorites -- orange of course.  I could not find a sign to tell me what they are though.  Does anyone know?

I loved every time we came across one of the garden sheds.  Apparently, I wasn't the only one drawn to them as there were many KEEP OUT signs.  Doesn't it look homey?

Surely, a relative of Cousin It.

This is a kind of oxalis -- otherwise known as redwood sorrel -- not to be confused with clover.  (I had a lovely red variety as a house plant before I moved).  It makes for an exquisite native ground cover under the redwoods.

I have hat envy.  Seriously, I had to control myself.

This would make for a lovely painting. Don't you think?

This is a passion flower.  Many butterflies lay eggs on its leaves which are eaten by catapillars which then make their crysalis on the passion flower vines.

The street before this, which was much steeper, took my breath away, literally.  Adrenaline pumping, the real deal.  I did not think my car would make it down.  Please don't scold me, my friend took the picture.  Who needs roller coasters?

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