Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Next Adventure

So I am off.  Actually, l I have been for a few days.  It has taken me a the better part of a week of  traveling to start writing.  Here is a smattering from my first day back on the road.  Oh, if I haven't mentioned it, I am heading back across country  to Maryland.  This time by the southern route.

The last few days before leaving CA, I visited my favorite spots on the coast.  The beautiful places file in my memory is nicely stuffed.

This is Buttercup, otherwise known as Boo, most affectionately called Butter-Boo.  I am going to miss her waking me up at 4:45 am -- well not really.  I will miss her dainty way of making herself at home on my lap or  the curve of my arm.  She is posing with Osoito.  He is currently hibernating somewhere in my car, at least I hope he is.  This photo was the time he was seen.  He is bit leery of road trips.

A few days ago, I headed East.  What different emotions and connotations those words have: EAST and WEST. wisdom, freedom, oppression, sages, destiny, home . . .

I ignored the GPS when it wanted me to go immediately east, I just wasn't ready yet, so I drove south along the coast and after saying one last farewell to the pacific ocean, found a lovely road east.  Even better, I had it all to myself, and it had mile after mile of views like this:

That first day, I also passed acres and acres of orchards.  The baby one below was especially endearing.

I bought an extra large cantaloupe before leaving the valley which served as dinner and breakfast for two days.

There was a wind farm gracefully set on a hill.  Grace aside, windmills still feel like aliens to me.  I have twice now seen the long "arms" of the windmills on the beds of trucks being transported.  It gives me the hebbejebbies  -- really -- somehow they feel alive and intelligent to me even dismembered.

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